Muscle Power
A MAGAZINE FOR MEN WHO WANT TO IMPROVE AND DEVELOP THEIR BOGIES](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/leorobert7.jpg)
Leo Robert, Mr Universe 1953 published in Muscle Power and Muscle Builder magazines
![Leo Roberts](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/leorobert4.jpg)
JUNE 25](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/leorobert8.jpg)
![Muscle Builder
JAN 35
MR. UNIVERSE](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/leorobert9.jpg)
![KEG PACK Journal
LE O ROBERT "Mr. Canada"
![Leo Robert Mr. Canada](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/rw001001.jpg)
MARCH 250](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/z003h001-769x1024.jpg)
![1. F. B. E
The giant arms of Leo Robert, "Mast Muscular Man in Amer- ca." His 17.2 upper arms. 14.1 Forearms and 7.4 wrist, at a Bodyweight of only 167 lbs. stand as the criterion of per- sonification of arms supreme. Photo by La
ARE right in the season now when body building Wis in full swing. This season can be a festival of success and achievement if you all carry out your deter minations. It is the first fulltime season in the early life of the L.F.B.B. With your cooperation it can make body build- ing history. It's up to you, everyone of you. We of the executive committee have carefully mapped out our pro- gram for this season, and are determined to make it a great success. The Mr. Canada, and the first Mr. Junior Canada, event, is now past history. It is another feather in the cap of Sec. Ben Weider, who so successfully promoted it to its grand finale.
If everyone worked as enthusiastically as Jim Baker, of Cincinnati, Ohio, our regional director for that territory, the whole continent would be ablaze with enthusiastic body building shows. The Mr. Cincinnati show which Jim ran off was a fine success and a just tribute to his manage-
Page 28
NEXT MONTH-10-page special section, covering the "Mr. America of 1949" contest.
Robert, posed with the latest IFBB training sleeveless. If you're an IFBB member, you can purchase it, by sending 75c with order. Regular price to non-members. $1.00 State chest size when or dering. Send orders to IFBB, 452 Ocean Ave. Jer- sey City, N. 1.
IFBB notes and news......
ment. He had a capacity house, and is so encouraged he has already rented the huge Emory Auditorium, for Feb. 11th. On this occassion the chief contest will be for the title of Mr. Middlewest, and will be run off in three height classes with three different titles. The classes will be: 1. Up to 5'6" in height. 2. From 5'6" to 5'10" in height. 3. 5'10" and over. This gives the shorter statured body builder a happy contesting break. An event will be con tested for "The Strongest Man in the Middle West." The feats to be contested on are five in number.
A Best Physique Junior Contest will be included for boys between the ages of 13 and 17. There are other events, therefore we suggest to all you who are interested to write to James Baker, 425 Main St., Cincinnati, Ohio, for further details. Jim has a wonderful program planned, and has secured many valuable prizes for the winners. We know it will be a great success, and trust all you body builders](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/z021h028-743x1024.jpg)
![Alfred Hall, a newcomer to the IFBB contest, whose pleasing physique received great appla from the audience. With ile more training and practise he should go far in this g
Clarence Ross, the ideal bodybuilder, received a thunderou evation even before he appeared to pose. He was trained down to low in hodyweight, weighing mere 190 lbs. Usual weighs 200
Johy Icino, winner of the ". Mr. America title by a mere two points. He posed as he never posed before, as he had really will compition.
Lao Robert, the most muscular man that evening, was received by the New Yorkers with great apple. He we an immediate succes and every- one in the audience were mani in picking him the winner.
Felix Gedraitis, third place winner in the "Jr. Mr. Ameri "cl. Felix took 50 points, only 4 points behind the winter. His mive back and chest development caused a
John Bavington from Taranto, Canada war warmly accepted by the audience. He took wcend place in the short men class, etting 51 poi, 7 points behind Theri mult. John has muscles la carte for a short man, Closest Theriault competitor to-day.](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/z022h012-782x1024.jpg)
If so, how are they developed?
By Barton Horvath World's Foremost Bodybuilding Authority
You've read about them! You've seen their pictures! Who?
The fabulous champions whose upper arms are reported as stretch- ing the tape at nineteen inches plus!
Ross, Reeves, Stephan, Park, Dubois, Colbert, Sansone are a few of the headliners who are said to belong to the elite 19" arm club.
Nineteen inch arms DO exist. They are NOT a myth. They are owned by many champions. The only question is: "How are they developed?"
That will be answered now- POTENTIAL: Can YOU develop a 19" upper arm even if your arm presently measures only 12, 13 or 14? The chances are that you can. Many of the greatest examples of arm size and power began training as weak and thin beginners. Leroy Colbert's upper arms were a mere 10% when he started using weights. Today they are a giant 20" cold.
EXERCISES: Do the champions (Continued on page 42)
Jack Delinger
Leo Robert
![If you were to see Abe Goldbery work hard all day long at the Weider Warehouse, taking into note that he the most of his lunch hour in training as well as plany ing into a long work-on right wfter work you would feel that you must inquire about the source of his Borr ceasing energy. Learn the answer in this article another in the elusine series of CHAMPIONSHIP SECRETS. Warner photo
I mean that the bodybuilder is told which foods are good for him, but just where he puts these foods into his eating schedule remains pretty much up to himself.
It was with some surprise therefore that the Weider System Clinic discovered that the average body- builder EATS AN INADEQUATE BREAKFAST. In his breakfast habits he is apt to be not unlike the average person. He is likely to arise in the morning in a rush to get to work. Between brushing his teeth, combing his hair and shaving, a cup of coffee and a few pieces of toast are sandwiched in. Sometimes time permits a spot of cereal or a glass of fruit juice- but almost NEVER is a leisurely and adequate break- fast eaten. The average person is even worse off.
The recent rapid advancement made by Lee Robert, one of Welder's mast famous pupils, can be directly traced in part to more liberat det. Few people eat the curreri funds when it will do them the must good. A simple change in Leo's dielaru habits, as recommended in this sensational article, made him advance FAST once again. Warner photo
contacted hundreds of our pupils, as well as dozens of the top bodybuilders. We questioned them, com. pared notes and gradually a pattern began to form. Diet has always been of prime importance to the bodybuilder. The majority of them eat well at lunch and dinner in the evening. They have their milk, fruits, vegetables, choice cuts of meat, grain products. and so on. Great emphasis has been placed upon a good selection of healthful foods. Volumes have been written about the value of certain foods, the necessity of various food elements, BUT-little or nothing has been written about WHEN certain foods are of prime importance to the bodybuilder in particular. By that
Studies carried on among average workers in some of our big factories showed that 50% of the workers came to work with no breakfast at all and two thirds of the total had very inadequate morning meals. Simi- lar studies in offices and schools showed that similar conditions existed. In every walk of life and in every profession, breakfast is gradually becoming a forgot- ten habit. We just don't seem to have the time or the inclination for a good morning meal.
The effect of this form of self-imposed malnutrition on children and growing young people (Bodybuil- ders) is inestimable. In particular, physical growth insists that an adequate breakfast be the rule, since if this is lacking the result will be dietary deficiences, general bodily weakness, incomplete growth and de- velopment, lack of endurance and eventual ill health!
(Continued on page 42)
![Canada's "Mr. Everything"
Winner of every award for physical supremacy which his country bestows, Leo Robert, like Alexander of old, had been seeking new worlds to conquer. Unlike Alexander, Leo's search was handsomely re- warded, for on June 11th in London he won the brightest jewel in the body- builder's diadem... the title of MR. UNIVERSE.
In a field of contestants boasting physique stars of international renown, it must have been a heart- breaking task for the judges to choose between such out- standing champions as Leo Robert and Clarence Ross ... both had been trained to knife-sharp definition, both could not have been in finer shape.
It is this pitting of great champion against great champion that advances the cause and interests of any (Continued on page 52)
MR. UNIVERSE by Lanza](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/z049o015.jpg)
![An ideal supporting cast for British actress Vera Day are the two new Mr. Universes chosen recently in London. Here Miss Day gets a bit of a lift from Mickey Hargitay (left) of Indianapolis, Ind.,
the 1955 amateur Mr. Universe and Leo Roberts, of Montreal, Canada, the 1955 professional Mr. Universe. Mickey is 6-1 and weighs 220, Roberts 5-7 and 180. Photo by Wide World Photos.](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/z067e024-787x1024.jpg)
Tony Crisp
A young man who, at the age of just 17 made the picture of Leo Robert, showed tremendous talent for his years. Still photographing occasionally, but only as a hobby, Tony Crisp has shown a natural instinct of understanding the male physique.
Leo Robert
Reub Govender](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/z069d028.jpg)
![Arman Ozon, the world w Leo Robert, made sensational Ovilia Asselin, took second Leo Desjardines won the award. nowned poser and interpretive gains and came second in the place for "The Best Developed as the "Best Poseur" of the eve dancer was on hand with a Most Muscular Man class. He is Athlete in Canada". Although ning. This man is making won- knockout posing routine. Arman a Weider pupil and we predict not at his best, he still looked derful progress, and by using the is always sensational and a treat that within a year he will be one great. He is now a professional "Weider System" he will soon to see in action.
of the best in America.
that was soon to come. Displays in restaurant and store windows, a radio program, billboards of posters all sang out the news of the show. There was a stir among the populace. Health-conscious citizens were ready. Clamours for tickets poured in from all over the province. Then the night of the show. The weather was ideal -just several degrees below 68°.
By eight-thirty, every one of the fifteen hundred seats was sold and occupied. Soft, recorded music soothed the excited throngs.
To open the program was the Atlas Trio of Panama, Central America. Onto the stage came two men and a charming young woman. All of them were slim and well built. The gym- nastic stunts they performed - half levers, bridges, supports were un- usually difficult ones, but so grace- fully and with such calm assurance did they move about, that the stunts looked absurdly easy. The trio set a smooth pace that was to last throughout the entire 2½ hour show.
We live in a sped-up age. People demand that none of their time be wasted or idled away. Ben Weider must have realized this for not one minute was lost between change of acts. It was like viewing a moving picture no sooner had one scene ended than another flashed into view.
wrestler, weight over 200 lbs.
The lights were dimmed. The judges seated inconspicuously in the third row centre were ready. Sud- denly, the centre of the stage lit up to reveal Leo Desjardins, a 6' 2" Hercules posed gracefully upon an ingeniously lighted white marble- colored dais. So cleverly had the spotlight been directed that every muscle stood out in clear definition; nor was there any glare or blinding beat radiated off of the light.
Swiftly and with perfect timing cach of the thirty-two contestants came onto the platform. That they were all well versed in the art of pos- ing was made evident by the grace, rhythm and speed which exemplified their movements. All was poetry and harmony of lines.
Who were the judges? Tony Lanza, America's foremost physique photographer; Gerry Lemay, genial proprietor of the Lemay Physical Culture Studio, the training ground of such supermen as Theriault, Leger and Joe Weider; and Dr. Bender of New York City who manages Steve Reeves. It was the opinion of all the audience that the confest was properly judged, for a deafening applause shook the auditoruim when the results were announced at the end of the show. I go on record as stating that these three gentlemen were com America".
reach the top.
pletely unbiased in their decisions. I know because I acted as scorekeeper and was inf the conference room when the judges reached the decisions.
A weightlifting exhibition was given (Continued on page 32)
Steve Reeves congratulating Ben Weider, for presenting the best show he ever saw, As usual Steve was an overwhelming success and the Canadians took him to heart. A grand "Mr.
Page 25](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/z072i025-753x1024.jpg)
Canadian strongman. smiles as he poses in
that almost
Ripple". Photo: AL URBAN.](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/z072m030.jpg)
![LEO ROBERT Canadian strongman, proudly smiles as he displays "An Unusually
Powerful Torso". Photo: AL URBAN,](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/z072m031.jpg)
America's most muscular man, says
"When I won the title of the Most Muscular Man in Americe I thought that I had reached my maximum development. I had reached a STICKING POINT In my training. Then I tried the new Weider Leverage Bell Combination Outfit to supplement my regular training. I was amazed when this new COMBINA- TION ROUTINE literally PACKED ON another 20 pounds of muscle. To-day I am continuing to make rapid improvement and am positive that the Lev- erage Bell Combination Outfit is responsible for my recent great gains in muscular size and power!"
The new Weider Leverage Bell Combination Outfit is DRASTICALLY NEW and MODERN and yet it is fully proved and positive as the above testimonial shows. Too many bodybuilders grow STALE and STATIC, just like Leo Robert when they train steadily with only one type of exercise unit. The Leverage Bell Combination Outfit gets to the SEAT of the muscle-Rbre, charging it with new life and energy. It reaches tendons and muscle areas not touched by other methods, The result is greater muscular size, faster muscle growth, and stronger, more capable tissue and tendons! It is the MODERN THRILL of bodybuilding casting a magic spell over the most stubborn muscles and provoking them to a NEW SURGE of physical goim, so fast and so sure that it is hard to believe the tape measure-so immediate is improvement shown!
The Combination Outfit consists of a short LEVERAGE BELL and a longer LEVER BAR. The Leverage Bell is expressly de signed to force new life, strength and muscular size into the fingers, wrist and forearms, creating a grip as powerful as FORGED IRON and a forearm and wrist alive with strands of dynamic power and inexhaustible energy. The upper arms, shoulders and deltoids too will respond with enthusiasm to this new bodybuilding masterpiece, and from the tips of your fingers to the sweeping crest of your deltoids and pectorals, a super-strong chain of muscle, tendon and POWER will be built, without a single weak link to mar the mighty and massive beauty of rugged masculine physical development. The longer Lever Bor is used to puma new strength and maximum mus cular size into the entire body. Not ONE little, deep-seated and seldom touched muscle is overlooked. It is the only exercise unit which completely develops the vital TWISTING MUSCLES of the waist and lower back...the seat of perfect digestion and virile manhood.
The Leverage Bell Combination
Outfit should be used to aug
ment regular barbell and dumb-
bell training. It should be used
once or twice a week only between regular training sessions. It IS NOT to be used INSTEAD of a regular barbell outfit, but merely as the most sensational EXTRA UNIT ever devised to make certain that ALL the muscles in the body receive the COMPLETE ATTENTION they require for maximum development. Will add variety to workouts and provide a valuable outlet for all those who have an abundance of energy and feel that they need extra training.
Both bors are made from 1", heavy rolled steal, unbreakable CHROME tubing. Both feature a nover slip knurled grip. On one and a special iron costing an be immediately moved to any position on the bar, making the resistance used completely outomatic and adjustable. Nothing to ever wear out or to get out of order, Available in walete set of courses included with now EVERYONE can enjoy this NEW THRILL in bodybuilding! both so moderately priced that och set, pesed exclusively for YOU by Las Robert. Lavishly lustrated, the exercise photos will inspire you to greater physical achievement. They will be a challenge to the best that is in you. You will see Lee Robert, now at his GLORIOUS BEST-his NEW BODY product of the modern exercise unit he so strongly urges you to use. NOW is YOUR TURN to follow in his footsteps and to FORGE AHEAD-with the LEVERAGE BELLI Send your order in to-day.
Weider Barbell Co., 452 Ocean Ave., Jersey City, N. J.
ONLY $12.50 ONLY $15.00
(Sets shipped at once... prices are F.0.8. our warehouse
Weider Barbell Co. 4460 Colonial Ava. Montreal, Que, Canada
![An unusual close-up photo showing the dramatic mus- cular formation of Leo Robert, winner of most per fectly developed abdominals in North America. Cer- tainly a living replica of the greatest Grecian sculp ture. La Photo
The abdominal and side muscles
PART 1. The Importance of Waist-Line Development.
Among the most important muscle-groups are those which form the front, sides and back of the waist. These muscles have numerous functions, and their proper development has far-reaching beneficial effects upon the entire body. The muscles in question (1) control bending and twisting movements of the trunk; (2) contribute to erect posture; (3) form externally a protective wall and internally a support for the abdominal organs; (4) influence one's powers of digestion and assimilation: (5) determine the strength of the waist region and its outward form and appearance.
Particularly well-defined abdominals are shown in this pose by Al Weissman of New York City.
![Boy Am I pooped! If members of my congregation managed to struggle through my article last month, titled "Hor and Cold," I hope 1 may have made a few friends, but probably, I have inherited more enemies
If you will check back, you will recall how I endeavored to establish a uniform standard for the measuring of mighty muscles. And I tried to encourage all who own tape measures to pass same around their muscles when said muscles were pumped up and at these largest. I felt that a fellow is entitled to tell the cock-eyed world the exact size of his muscles when these muscles were at their best, just as a fellow deserves to relate what his best lifts may he
As all of you know, when it comes to lifting, no one can do his best unless he does a few preliminary lifts of lighter poundage. He has to warm up his muscles and get them in shape for that great heave-ho! And so, why couldn't this apply to a guy's muscle measurements? I ast myself and even ast the guy in the mirror with whom I often converse, "These old muscles don't seem to be quite as large as they looked the other day-wonder what they measure now?" So I hunted all around the house for the key to my old storage trunk wherein I kept that relic of a tape which had passed around so many muscles of world famous fellows, and wrapped it around my own biceps, only to find that they were a half inch smaller than the last time I measured them. But let me explain that all this excitement happened on a cold day and I, myself, was a wee bit chilled. So, I then and there decided to do a little arm- pumping up and try again.... And Ah! Ha! Back came most of that lost half inch!
So, right then and there, I leaped to this typewriter to impart to the
inhabitants of Muscledom all my reasons (Continued on page 30)
at side and also cold"
Leo Robert
"All should be taken
after a two day lay-off"
Tony Terlazzo "... when
Steve Reeves "Always
when muscles are cold"](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/z0395009-791x1024.jpg)
![APOLLO- continued
raise the sack to his knees-but he could get it no further. Finally he gave up in disgust.
Then came Apollo. Instead of try- ing to lift the sack as Saxon had done, he lay face down by the sack, pulled it on his back, stood up with it and carried it in triumph off the stage!
For his show Saxon had his own "emergency sack," which he could pick up and throw on his shoulder. Whether or not Apollo could have done that is a matter of conjecture. Anyway, it is refreshing that once in a while even the great old-timers were not always successful!
Edward Aston, when only a young man, specialised in sack lifting and waited two years for Appollo to come to Leeds. Aston lifted Apollo's sack -and the money.
My own interest in Apollo was mainly in connection with Jiu-Jitsu. It was he who discovered the Jap wrest- lers when they first came to England.
The Japs, including Yukio Tani, had taken the Arena in Christian Street, Liverpool, only a short distance from the Empire Theatre where Apollo was showing.
The Arena was a tough locality and had little claim to respectability. It was a twopenny "gaff" that had been converted into a boxing stadium.
Apollo heard about the way the Japs were throwing people about at The Arena and paid them a visit. Visualising business possibilities ahead he took them under his wing, got them booked at the best Music Halls and acted as manager for Tani.
Tani was not only Apollo's cham- pion, he was the credited representa- tive of Japan in the world of English athletics. He was not the Jiu-Jitsu champion of the world, as many claimed, but he was certainly the best exponent of the art to visit England.
Next Month: The Story of Kati Sandwina, "The Strongest Woman on Earth!"
Grimek's Canad- ian counterpart. Leo Robert of Montreal will be remembered by his muscle posing demonstration in London some time ago. Leo has just about everything!
Man's World](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/z0400024.jpg)
![On the right, Ray Caswell, winner of the Mr. Adonis" Competition, centre Clancy Ross, U.S.A., who made a a personal appearance at the Show, and right, Gerry Crampton, winner of the "Mr. Body Beautiful" title. Photos, Greenwood
Below, Leo Robert of Canada who gave a thrilling muscle control and posing display at Association of Bodybuilders Show in the Scala Theatre.
Man's World welcomes another Bodybuilding Competition
REGULAR readers of Man's World know that this magazine has al- ways championed the interests of bodybuilders encouraging more com- petitions, more organisations, more propaganda for bodybuilding.
So we give a warm welcome to yet another bodybuilding association called "B.B.B.", which has already made its mark in the London area.
The new organisation was origin- ally promoted by people associated with the English reprints of the American P.C. magazines.
It sponsored a show which took place on May 28th, 1955,
This show, held in London a fort- night before the "Mr. Universe" show organised by an association connected with the Link House P.C. magazines, set a lively pace. Results of compe- titions connected with both these dis- plays are given overleaf.
(Over to Page 41) Man's World
FAMOUS FIRSTS: First man to do a one hand swing with 200 pounds was Arthur Saxon of Germany in 1899.
FIRST Olympic athlete to practice weight-training to im- prove his athletic performance was Milo of Crotona (684 B.C.) who practised progressive training by carrying a calf until it grew into a full-grown bull. Milo was all-round Olympic Champ for 28 years. Weight- lifters ever since his day have been adept at throwing the bull.
FIRST man to press over 300 lbs. with one hand was Arthur Saxon, Germany, 1896. The weight was 308 pounds and sisted of three ring-weights. After his poundage was pressed to arms length, Saxon picked up another 96 lb. ring weight and lifted it to arms length also ... a total weight of 404 pounds!
FIRST man to officially dead-lift more than 700 pounds was Bob Peoples, of Tennessee. He did 725 lbs. in 1948.
-Strength and Health (U.S.A.)
Photo Christian.
Man's World
LEO ROBERT](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/z0480036.jpg)
![Abe Goldberg is New York Clay's greatest gym instruc tor. His famous gym, located at 30 Clinton Street, is the mast modera in the East. He has great success with his pupils, teaching them the Teider way of training. which is featured by him. L Lon
of Steel
JOHN DAVIS was speaking. Whenever this great strength champion views an opinion, it's a good idea to listen, and to learn. John is a man of few words, but he can pack. more facts into one sentence than many others can in 500 words. He was paying me a visit at my gym, along with Joe Weider, and the conversation drifted toward strong arms.
Johnny said... "Abe, when I think of strong arms I don't visualize 19" bulging upper arms only, as so many do. I think of the arm as a complete unit, right from the tip of the fingers to the curve of the deltoids. If I were a judge in. a contest I would pay as much attention to the size and shape of a man's forearm as I would to his upper arm. Regardless how big his upper arm was, if his forearm wasn't a match, he wouldn't get my vote. In my opinion too many body- builders are specializing on their upper arms at the expense of their forearms, never realizing that forearm power is a great aid to complete physical development. Without it they will never reach the top as a muscle star."
It's necessary to work the forearms hard and from every angle for the type of maximum development shown here by famous Les Robert. Besides weights, Leo has used the Leverage Bell, Tren Shoe, Multiplex, Cables and Pulleys in his training. Warner
Few bodybuilders realize the full import- ance of complete forearm development. But in this part of the body lies one of the basic secrets of all around lifting power and extra impressive muscularity. Here's why.....
Johnny continued... "In weightlifting, forearm power is a tremendous asset. A weightlifter who has a weak grip will have trouble cleaning and snatching heavy poundages. Regardless how strong his lower back and legs are, he will always be handicapped, worrying about losing a lift be- cause his gripping power is poor and he will never lift the greatest poundage he is capable of. I have seen many huge upper arms in my time, but I am never impressed by them unless the forearm is in balance. I will always admire the arm of Leo Robert, for besides a great upper arm, his fore- arm is completely developed. His whole arm has that im- pressive look, sometimes lacking in other arms which may boast a larger biceps measurement." (Continued on page 31)
Canada’s “Mr. Everything”
Winner of every award for physical supremacy which his country bestows, Leo Robert, like Alexander of old, had been seeking new worlds to conquer. Unlike Alexander, Leo’s search was handsomely re- warded, for on June 11th in London he won the brightest jewel in the body- builder’s diadem… the title of MR. UNIVERSE.
In a field of contestants boasting physique stars of international renown, it must have been a heart- breaking task for the judges to choose between such out- standing champions as Leo Robert and Clarence Ross … both had been trained to knife-sharp definition, both could not have been in finer shape.
It is this pitting of great champion against great champion that advances the cause and interests of any