Ace Dancer Black and White

ACE DANCER, a New York City truck driver, has a trim physique with top
definition Photo by Take-One Studios.
Former paratrooper and New York City truck driver and bodybuilder Ace Dancer photographed by Take One Studios and Champion and published in Tomorrow’s Man in the late 1950s.

A little bit of color… as a treat

Slim and trim but packed with power, ACE DANCER finds it a must to keep in shape. It takes a lot of rugged handling to jockey those BIG trucks over the highways and by-ways. ACE DANCER From Maine to Florida, Ace, is a man that knows how to get a rig highballing across the country. Truck driving is no easy job -it takes a lot of muscle to wheel today’s big tractor-trailers over the highways. But, even with all that exercise, Ace manages to find time for the local ball field.

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