This is an unusual shot of Alex Pilin, a former TM Cover Man, but the photo clearly reveals the Pittsburgh youth’s magnificent build. Pilin was Pittsburg bodybuilder of the year in 1955 Photo by Frank COLLIER.

The MAN on the COVER
MANY -ANY A BODY- BUILDER-and weightlifter, too-would literally “give his right arm” to possess a physique as outstanding as that of Alex Pilin’s. Our Front Cover Man is a 21-year-old Pittsburgh, Pa., youth who works out at the city’s famed Boys’ Club. Alex, who weighs 175, holds the world’s record in his class for the Military Press – 2872 pounds.
When describing this young man’s build, “rugged” is an understatement. This is Alex Pilin, 20, of Pittsburgh, Pa. He’s Mr. Pittsburgh ’53. Mr. Alleghany ’53. Can Bench Press 370#, Squats 450 #. Photos by
Frank Collier