Art Byman featured in Manual in June 1966, photos by Bob Mizner for AMG.
ART BYMAN In AMG photo U8-1-AW. Art had caked us to hold off publishing his picture until he could do considerable more working out and make many more improvements, but after the double-page spread of im in a current Young Physique magazine, we felt it was about time we showed you some of the work AMG has done with this Interesting model.
Art is 23 years old, born in Connecticut where he lived until coming to Callifornia a few years ago. While here he worked at Twentieth Century Fox (in the commissary). He told us that he had absolutely no desire to work in major Hollywood films, though we Found this hard to believe since he applied himself rother well in the limited film work we did of him.
His height is 5’10 1/2, wt 162, waist 29 1/2, (but pulls in to 27 1/2, biceps 14 1/2, forearm 7 1/4, neck 15 1/2 chest 43 1/4 normal expands to 44 1/2, hips 36 3/4, thigh 21 1/4, colf 15 1/2, ankle 9, leg from crotch to floor 33 1/4. Got his build from wi lifting and surfing. As this pictoriel goes to press, Art has taken up erice in Hawail.