MR. FRANCE is chosen
Report by K. D. ARAX Special Correspondent
Riviera city, has already offered its hospitality for such a contest.
Sixteen of France’s best-developed men, winners in the various district contests, paraded for the final selection. Most were of an equal value, making the judges’ task. extremely difficult, and, in some cases, at variance with the spectators’ views.
M. Pierre Bardel, a fine speaker and excellent organiser, presented the contestants together, after which they appeared individ- ually firstly in a natural presentation, secondly in a pose and lastly performed an evolution before the judges who awarded marks for deportment. The total marks of the three groups decided the winner. This form of judging produces many surprises. In 1939, at Le Touquet, the wonderful Armenian athlete Manoukian, leader in the first classification, came only third in the final, losing to Heidenstam in the evolution contest. A parallel occurred this time with Broquerie and Drapp, who changed
André Drapp, Third in the MR. PARIS contest, wins the major MR. FRANCE tourney. places.
F OLLOWING the 1946 and 1947 “Mr. Paris” Contests the annual “Plus Bel D’Athlete” Competition the first since the war-took place in Paris on September 14th. For the first time since 1939 the General Congress of the French Federation of Physical Culture (President M. Valtier) was organised for the occasion, and all the original members, professional physical culturists and enthusiastic body- builders of France were able to meet on common ground. A pleasant surprise was the appearance of Professor Desbonnet, higher. “the father of Physical Culture”, who at 80 years of age is still in excellent condition.
In a short speech he expressed his satisfaction at the growth of the movement, which he founded some 60 years ago. Many of the younger men present, seeing the Professor for the first time, must have gained inspiration from this grand old-timer.
Unfortunately it had been impossible to organise the competition on a European basis and we specially missed our British friends, whom we so admired when they visited us before the war. Heidenstam, Archer, Longmate and many others left here in France good souvenirs and we hope that next year we shall be given the chance to admire the post-war generation. Nice, the beautiful
The above named, with Moolenaar, Coutoula, Druart, Boudie and Albert were regarded as the best developed men present. Full agreement by the public was voiced when Drapp (Paris) received the unanimous award of “Plus Bel Athlete de France, 1947”. Opinion was divided over the place men Broquerie (Paris), Moolenaar (Bordeaux), Druart (Paris) and Coutoula (Agen) in that order. The last-named, a good looking and harmoniously-developed 19-year-old, had many supporters, who were obviously disappointed that he was not placed
An extraordinary caprice of the contest was that Chateau, winner of the Paris Contest, took only 5th place, whilst Andre Drapp, third in this event, now annexed the title! Druart, second in Paris, moved down two places. This proves that there is no standard of beauty admitted by everybody-and it has to be borne in mind that those previously unlucky had worked very hard to improve.
This was Andre Drapp’s fourth attempt at the title he participated at La Baule in 1938 and at Le Touquet in 1939, when he was a very thin athlete. An excellent wrestler, he proves the theory that setbacks at the beginning never stop a man determined to succeed. This was the case with Heidenstam who obtained his palm on his third contest.