El Mercado had hired a mariachi band and the local soccer team was there at a get out the vote event sponsored by Telemundo. Lovely festive atmosphere to do my civic duty in.
So after the voting excitement, I decided to make a video letter to my slave Broncoboy.
After a little vape, I wind up playing with my dick as always.

Then take my boots off to get a bit more comfortable.

Time for another puff on the vape…
Then back to playing with my dick again.

Before I make a few more vids for the slave…

Looks like I had a pretty awesome day early voting, have you voted yet? Election day is November 8th!

Hail my Lord and Master Jack Drago! Syr, i beg to follow, serve and worship You and Your beautiful God Cock, HAIL Syr!
Salut Jack ! Je te suivrai partout . Tu es ma principale inspiration démoniaque et satanique.
Is there a butt-hole party or is that already taken?
When is the best time to visit Vegas
Is there a best time to visit Vegas for a (D.O.M. DIRTY OLD MAN)?
Temperatures in June, July and August can be brutal. Lowest prices are usually in the spring and fall; though Formula1 is kinda messing up the fall prices this year.