Centurians of Rome can be seen in full on PinkLabel.TV
CENTURIANS OF ROME Running time: 90 minutes
Finally the cruelty of the obsessive Emperor Caligula and his General is unmasked, in a film that rivals the ancient grandeur of Rome set. A shocking version of the depravity that slaves endured under the rule of history’s most vicios tyrant. The story of two men, in the prime of Ife, snatched from the countryside and forced to become concubines trained to please every whim of Roman aristocracy. Centurians of Rome is an epic film capturing all the pomp and pageantry of a society ruled by passion and destroyed by lust Centurians of Rome will make you cheer as the twe valant slaves bewitch their masters and win their freedom, Directed by the celebrated John Christopher the film stars George Payne, Eric Pan, Scorpio, and Myles Longue. This incredibly photographed Sim sets new standards for erotic male entertainment, with 31 luscious men sprawled across the screen