The Mystery of Billy Ball by Robert KurtzPosted on January 24, 2023August 22, 2023 I have always referred to this model as Billy Ball, clearly not his given name, but it sureshould be. I could tell you that I call him that because I photographed him during the baseball Oakland A’sera of Billy Ball in 1981, which is true, but hardly the reason. Billy was almost asexual, he didn’t like sex of any kind it seemed, unless his balls were inplay. I don’t think, when these photos were taken, he had, had much sex with another person.There is some indication he didn’t even jack off much. But touch his balls and he went nuts. Instant full erection and constantly wanting more. Let go and he went soft in a heart beat.I tried caressing his balls camera in hand, backing off and in the 20 or so seconds it tookme to frame and focus the picture he was half way down. Touching his own balls, almostnothing
Wonderful series!
Want to touch those balls!
Did Billy Ball also go by “Art”?