A follower asked me on Twitter about how to make a blood sacrifice to Lucifer and I wound up writing a grimoire using nothing but the memes on my cell phone at the time. So follow along for some basic magical advice about summoning, intention, and making demonic contact.
Magic 101: How Rituals Work
First and foremost: willingness is the key. You must be 100% willing to do every part of the ritual and be transformed by it. Your magical practice is more than a mere formalism, you have to be completely there for it.
The general left hand path desire to rid yourself of the residue of Christian culture and become empowered by the rejection makes a fairly good starting goal, since this is a goal that most demons (and especially Lucifer) would be 100% on board with.
Once you have a general notion of what you seek to attain from an ongoing relationship with a demon; you can start clarifying your intentions…
Magic comes from YOU and your own thoughts and intentions dancing with the universe. The trappings are just there to make it look cool: its the intentions and emotions that feed it.
It is empowered by your own willingness to face your darkness and integrate your shadow.
In order to do magic you must be aligned with your true self and your true intentions or at least attempting to get closer to them. Your own mind may fight you to avoid the things that will bring you power, and this is why you need demonic help.
You can’t front to Demons, they see right through human self deception and they will always relate to you as you really are. [Which can be very disconcerting sometimes]
Remember that the trappings of magic are just props to help you focus and make you feel good. The real tools are your genuine emotions and intentions.
People can and do summon with nothing more than their hands and voice, but most find it easier to do magic when they have some regalia. The important thing is not to get caught up in the formalisim as the demons respond to your thoughts and intentions and not whether the spell you’re casting is perfect.
Researching Your Patron Demon
Who you call out to is a matter of personal choice and what you want to accomplish. There are demons for literally everything. Personally I have a fairly large crew of patrons.
Do some studies and pick a demon you feel drawn to. Learn his/her enn and offering and prepare to open your mind to them. Lucifer is a decent bet, so is Lilith or Asemodeus or any of the hundreds of others. It is entirely a matter of personal choice.
Lucifer’s enn is “renach tasa uberace biasa icar Lucifer ” and he’s fond of candle magic and blood offerings as well as cravings for rebellion and forbidden knowledge.
Lucifer is a great demon for guidance as God made him to be a guiding light and just can’t help it despite his utter opposition to the God given order, so he uses it to help enlightenment against him spread.
His direction is the East and his symbol is the morning star, bringer of light. His vibe is captured well by the two memes that follow:
The sigil of lucifer is a stylized chalice, that everyone may drink of his knowledge.
One way of meditation on a demon is to practice drawing their sigil over and over again while reciting their enn in your mind until you can draw it from memory. This can also work for summoning.
I list Lucifer as an exercise, but you can easily find similar casting information on most other demons on the internet; each of whom has their own domain and their own special favorite sins. Do your research and choose a demon that’s right for you to start with.
Selecting a Date
Once you have selected your demon, pick a date that has decent casting astrology. Next good casting date is 30th of August at time of writing so we’ll use that as an example:
The casting astrology for this particular full moon is insane: 7 planet retrograde + supermoon #BlueMoon, sun Lilith conjunction opposite moon and a whole bunch of oppositions and trines. Just look at all these trines and squares and oppositions… Supermoon Saturn conjunction opposite A sun-Lilith conjunction Mercury and Pluto trine Uranus Neptune Sext Uranus & Pluto (And retrograde in Pisces doing it).
This would be a highly opportune time for change work and losing your illusions to come to enlightenment due to the many retrogrades and oppositions, this is a chart yearning to break free. Astrology is too complex a topic to teach here; but a little research may help.
As a rule of thumb, it’s pretty much always a good casting date if you happen to be on one of the traditional Caltic/Norse “wheel of the year” holidays, the next of which after publication would be autumnal equinox.
Beyond that, eclipses, blue moons, and other astronomical phenomena also make for good intuitive casting and summoning dates.
Whatever the date, make it the soonest practical one from when you have clarity on the ritual with enough time for proper spiritual preparation.
Preparing for Your Ritual
Leading up to the date do some shadow work on the demons subject of choice: what enlightenment do you think you need? How can you rebel more effectively? What hidden truth about yourself could use revealing?
It should be done earnestly and honestly and should inform your intentions for the ritual.
The goal is to remove blocks to your willingness and achieve clarity of intentions.
Doing this opens a portal to the unknown within where the material you’ve been repressing resides.
And oh fuck is it a journey… for literally anyone. I know that one from experience.
Your patrons will be there for you to get you through, but I will tell you that summoning demons is markedly less physically risky than portrayed, but markedly more psychological risk.
Because facing the devil within oneself means that fundamental horror of knowing your own evil and accepting it. This will always be a wrestling match but proper shadow work can prepare you to deal with the things that the demons choose to show you about yourself.
It’s perfectly OK to have a shadow, this is what draws the demon and empowers your magic, but if you want to treat with demons you’re going to have to realize that they accept and love you for precisely those things about yourself you might be least comfortable with.
Cleansing your Space
Before conducting your ritual it’s often useful to cleanse your space. Though many LHP practitioners swear by sage, moon water and the like, some find incense burns to be irritating or spiritually inappropriate.
It’s often equally useful spiritually, and on a purely practical basis even more useful to do a general housekeeping and make sure your windows, doors, and ritual space are hygenic and clean.
Even if the behavior is ordinary housecleaning, it should be regarded as part of the ritual and done in a ritualistic fashion to get the most out of the experience.
After cleaning, take some time to cool down and ponder the ritual you’re about to perform, maybe state into the spiral or do something else to get yourself into a ritual headspace, then suit up or strip off.
Personally I find it most authentic to be nude for most of my rituals and dressed in street clothes for most of the rest, but there’s no one right way to be a satanist and many of us enjoy dressing up in regalia for rituals. As long as it’s authentic to you, the patrons will be more than happy to play along.
Performing the Ritual
When you have done some processing and come to terms with what the deal really entails, the day comes and you enter the ritual with clarity about what you seek and who you seek it from.
Begin with a meditation on the patron wherein you recite their enn like a mantra until trance is achieved; possibly while drawing their sigil over and over or imagining the patron in your mind.
A black candle is lit and a candle meditation done.
After reciting the meditation and lighting the candle (on Satan is the spark if using my recording above) drop back into endless repetition of the enn while staring into the candle. Pretty soon you’ll drop into a very altered state of consciousness where you can talk to demons.
This is a shockingly good representation of what it feels like: floating, mind connected to the universe. Also notice the summoning circle and how he’s placed his candles, chalice, and ritual knife outside the circle. The artist clearly has a very good notion of magical practice.
Getting into the “I am the universe” headspace will both help make contact and facilitate whatever changes the demon will facilitate through the ritual.
Because in order to make contact you and the demon will have to find yourself in a shared spiritual space and if you’re the one summoning you’ll need to get yourself there first.
Open your mind to see beyond the ordinary senses and be mindful of whispers, voices heard in the mind, mental images and intuition.
This sometimes gets wild and psychedelic and sometimes it is just plain scary in there… Viewing the Dark Spiral into Satanisim and then reviewing the memes on the page may give you some notion of what it can be like.
but sooner or later you make contact with an entity that responded to your drawing the sigil and chanting the enn.
Once you feel a presence, hear an inner voice, or get a mental image of the demon you should answer any questions asked, recieve and heed any guidance given, then make your prayers.
Many people use prayers they found in old grimoires, quite a few make up their own prayers in advance and memorize them and a fair fraction use prayers they found on the internet. The one above is a decent example, as are both Lucifer I call You Forth and Lucifer, The Black Flame.
I particularly like this as a reminder that fancy robes and cloaks and ritual spaces are utterly unnecessary and it’s perfectly possible to do ritual with nothing more than a poster.
When doing ritual and designing prayers, take very seriously the notion that words themselves have power and are the single most important tool in your ritual toolbox.
Choose your words carefully and speak them carefully in rituals because wish corruption is a thing and demons can and will hold you to the letter of what you said, as well as your intentions.
Once you’ve said your prayers, grab your ritual knife, and say the enn as you make a small cut. Collect the blood on paper with the sigil of Lucifer (or your chosen demon) on it.
Your ritual knife doesn’t have to be fancy, it’s better that it be something personal. This is the knife I carried with me out hustling in my dope days and it carried a lot more significance than a random knife would and therefore more magical power.
Choose an out of the way place to cut where it’ll be easy to take care of the wound, preferably far away from any arteries, veins, or nerves like my kneecap here. Remember, it only takes a drop.
Though I portray taking the blood offering with a knife here, I wound up intuitively guided to perform my own version of the ritual with a lady razor as it allowed me to bleed from a much more intimate place. The important thing is to choose the ritual implements that are comfortable and meaningful for you.
Then burn the bloody paper with the ritual candle and release your intentions, remembering to practice proper fire safety about the burning paper. It can be snuffed out under a chalice or drowned in a cauldron full of water, just don’t let the embers catch the wrong kind of fire.
Say something akin to this as you do so, then drop back into meditation and open your mind to receive any reply.
Sometimes it’s a feeling of completion and change, sometimes it’s a “godshot” intuition, sometimes it’s outright demon possession via channeling. Remain with the demon as long as the demon demands then close with a prayer.
After the Ritual
After the ritual, remain open to the transformation and let it happen.
It’s very common to suddenly find the need and means for the change desired. Especially in one’s demanded offerings to your patrons.
There’s frequently an intense shift in perspective attended with an alienation from the life you used to know. It’s a very different world now as you’ve met a demon and know that magic is real.
Be aware that you are under guidance and have to watch for the wisdom
Whether memes, songs, motivational posters or ads, or any of the traditional signs.
Personally I get a lot of guidance through music, like this playlist of videos for songs that happened to be on the overhead in my trip to Whistler, BC. This was right around the Impeachment trial that foresaw a lot of my spiritual journey as well as predicting COVID with a Siren at “Around the World” — I find it a pretty good starter guide to what getting guidance through music is like.
Whatever the guidance, adhere to it and know your demon has your back.
Be aware that this way of living can, in its own way, be a very intense spiritual experience. This is the kind of spiritual experience that AA and NA talk about, the spiritual experience of relying on a higher power. But it tends to get wilder from here.
The transformation of your ritual has only begun to take root in the temporal world and you’ll quickly find the mental shift both liberating and improving.
However, even more profound is the physical shift that the shift in mindset causes.
This sometimes means a very real physical realignment of the body after years of trauma.
It’s entirely possible to be physically changed from the new perspective, healing old wounds, curing diseases, and sometimes growing a larger penis or bigger muscles are not unusual.
But it’s often slower than you thought and it is neither easy nor comfortable to change. You may feel like the goo inside the chrysalis for a while but if you stick to your practice you’ll emerge better.
But it’s pretty much always worth it even though it is never like how you imagined it.
Your Patrons and You
Afterwards, you maintain a relationship with your patrons through regular prayer and meditation, shadow work and rituals.
Many luciferians find it useful to maintain a discipline of rising early to pray to the morning star and cast their wishes while meditating on the sunrise. Your practice may vary.
Be Satan’s instrument in the world and do as you feel guided to do.
An Update from the Author:
The Left Hand Path is full of mystery, it’s ok to be lost and confused in front of your patrons. The demons prefer honest confusion to false certainty and will guide you through to the underlying truth.
I will own some of my own confusion here… I was guided by Lucifer to write a guide to ritual sacrifice, and to do the resulting ritual. In some details I had made my advice more conventional than my own personal practice and in those areas I reverted to my usual ways. Though it is perfectly acceptable to draw blood for a sacrifice with a razor, I portrayed the use of a knife and should have used one. Though it is quite common for advanced practitioners to cast without prior meditation and I successfully contacted the demon that way, I portrayed the use of the candle meditation and should have performed it. I also failed to update the page to note that I had later been guided to additional steps of cleansing through cleaning and only just updated the page to reflect what I actually did.
I remain ever the foolish mortal, swayed by ego to ignore the advice that I gladly give others and sometimes deluding myself with the thought that I have somehow outgrown the basic principles of magic.
The essence of ritual is to be open to being transformed: I embrace the spiritual experience that comes from admitting my flaws and learning from the experience, as this too is a transformation.
Good thing Lucifer is prince of Pride, he knew exactly how to guide me.
This is becoming one of my favorite posts – so much information but so well presented in an organized manner – so much to learn yet, but just keep reminding myself of “willingness is the key” and my emotion and intent are the most important. Thank you so much for posting this and may the one that inspired it be blessed. Please, keep more of these coming….
I consider this post demonically inspired given the fact that it “just fell out” in response to a question.
This substantial work Is like a roadmap that includes all the landmarks, all the steps, all the contents, except for the road itself. But then how do we draw the roads to sprituality? They don’t follow the X,Y,Z axis, they are there to take us from one landmark to the other, but I guess we first ought to learn how to travel through all these other dimensions unknown to most humans. This is the beginning of an exciting journey.
No one work is the entirety of the Left hand path. Keep studying from a variety of magic sources.
Pan is my God