California Beefcake Boys #3: A David Carter Studios publication featuring vintage afro era black on black action from Tom Craine and Drake.

Excerpt: “His creamy juice ran down his round moist head and dripped over his hand, down to his pubic hair. His matted hair soaked up his cum. A third and fourth thrust brought out more and more cream that I am sure was for Drake. After eight or nine thrusts, Tom was squeezing out the last drop of cum from his penis. Tom wiped himself off. He must have been disappointed that he could not put that huge cock up Drake’s ass. Tom left and sat in the distance.
I called Drake. He came up and began striking poses. I could see why Tom left disappointed that he did not dare come out and passionately grab this giant bodybuilder. Drake wanted to show me how much bigger he was than Tom. Indeed he was, but he was not quite as defined as Tom was. He buried his hand between his giant chest muscles. They must have been at least six inches thick. His huge arms bulged out of his T-shirt and measured at least twenty-one inches. He slowly took off his shirt and I could see that Drake also possessed a rock-hard stomach. He turned around and looked at Tom in the distance.”
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