Milking Beast of Marbas

Jack Drago milks Beast of Marbas' bull cock displaying his sigils of Asemodeus and Leviathan.

Watch me tie down Beast of Marbas in a cheap motel and milk his cock to satanic hypnosis in this rare footage of him I shot in September 2019 before he siliconed his cock and balls.

Looking to milk your own dick to some hypno? Try Satanic Masturbation.

Enjoy this shortened clip seen on twitter at the time.

Photos and videos taken by Jack Drago at Parliament Resort in Augusta, GA in August 2019.

4 Thoughts to “Milking Beast of Marbas”

  1. “fuck ya bro” this one is a keeper…. I milked along all the while visualizing myself kneeling infront waiting for my command….great camera work on this one, and a great tribute to beast, For those that didn’t get to know him before his passing, he has some great work posted… followed him but regret not getting to meet him before his passing

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