Rlee Brewer photographed by Bruce of LA in the late 1950s.

I’ll just let Bruce describe him for you…

And then when you mailed off to Los Angeles 5 (No zip codes yet), these pictures came…

Brewer by BRUCE…
Now we are really sticking our neck out but surely after you have looked through the next few pages you will agree that these pictures by Bruce were the best excuse ever offered.
Twenty-year-old Rlee Brewer, tall, dark and handsome with a most-ideally proportioned and symmetrically defined physique, is perfectly at ease in each and every one of the poses he takes up.
We often receive letters saying the writer liked a certain picture but they would have preferred to see it from the other side, or the back or some other way. Here we include the final answer to all those readers :-Many of the poses are shown from the front first and then the back, and it is astonishing that any angle from which the camera catches the Brewer body beautiful makes a gem of a picture.
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