The election having just passed, we broke out an Obama commemorative dildo to match the Sarah Palin blow up doll we’d done the fall before.’

Deviant Kade plays with a blue Obama commerative dildo backstage at Collectors Realm 3 in August 2009.

Vintage gay porn, Jack Drago, and Bob's Guys
The election having just passed, we broke out an Obama commemorative dildo to match the Sarah Palin blow up doll we’d done the fall before.’
Deviant Kade plays with a blue Obama commerative dildo backstage at Collectors Realm 3 in August 2009.
Kade looks high as f
Fucking hope so. Always had a crush on him.
CR3 was next door to a dispensary and Bob had a pot card. We were all high as a kite shooting that day.