Beast of Marbas new girth

Beast of Marbas shows off his newly increased girth to Rubber Pig in Atlanta, GA in November, 2020.

In the time between the first time I tied him down and brainwashed him and the second, the thickness of his cock almost doubled from injecting 250cc of silicone in the balls and 50cc in his cock.

That’s the power of my Silicone Monster Bulge hypnosis. Try it for yourself on Warp My Mind.

3 Thoughts to “Beast of Marbas new girth”

  1. I think that it’s encapsulating some – feels incredible! Every time now that I feel that little knot in my balls, Knowing that you put it there and what the injection means to me….

    Yes, I too say here’s to hoping that you get to inject me again this year! What was once a fear is now a celebration

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