J. Brian’s Golden Boys
A collection of stray Golden Boys photographed by J. Brian.
Vintage gay porn, Jack Drago, and Bob's Guys
On July 21, 2018 of Slave Jody and I were performing satanic rituals on a pentagram drop cloth in my living room in Pacifica. I laid him out masturbating and chanting enns.
Tab Hunter was one of the most used boys in Hollywood, so of course gay porn of him survives. Outed…
More pictures of Dennis Lavia taken by Bob Mizer for AMG in the late 1950s.
Buck Youngblood poses nude for Western Photography Guild in the late 60s.
Our good friend Vulcan has finally found a pied a terre in Hollywood after some try. ing experiences. Having moved three times since arriving in that glamour paradise he’s finally latched onto a beautiful house at 706 North La Cienega Boulevard and is happily at work doin’ what comes naturally -turning out masterpieces of physique photography.
The first of (Continued on Page 46)
70s porn star Shawn McLaren fell into the disco scene and wound up shooting with TradeMark pictures.