Fisting Jared Erikson in at Fist Fest in Augusta, GA shot by Jack Drago and Peach State lifter.
This video originally appeared on Jared’s OnlyFans and has been courteously supplied as I lost the other half of the original and only my unedited close-up survives.

See my unedited side footage below.
And a gallery of my personal best stills from my angle…

Hail my Master
Hail indeed, It’s always good to get my hands inside a fellow Satanist
Amazing fisting, I’d love to see your other videos, but did you have an ass for which your fisting was the first time?
First guy was a black dude who had Melrose Place on in the background. I fisted him with Nivea cream which looks spectacular on dark skin.
Hail Jack
I love your videos and especially your vouce
Hail Master Jack,
Your work with Jared Erikson is most commendable. I have been in dialog with Brother Jared in the Gay Satanic Brotherhood, offering articulations of praise to the sacred utility of his Hole. Thank you, Master Jack for your undaunted effort in the promotion of hallowed lust.
Tim a/k/a SatyrinDC
I hope to meet you one of these days so that I can show you what a portal to hell your asshole can truly be.