John Erlich
John Ehrlich, 1981. Photos by Champion.
Vintage gay porn, Jack Drago, and Bob's Guys
Few people have ever embodied the raw spirit of Punk Rock better than 70s icon Iggy Pop. Iggy is famously a nudist and has spent his entire career since the 70s showing off his body.
Our friend the Portland Satanist was in town so Rubber Pig and I had him over for a fisting 3-way after his brainwashing session on March 1st, 2024.
The Male Figure #35, early 1960s. Features Bob Jackson, Frank Nisi, Jerry Rogers, and Dean Densman.
Mr America 1975 Clint Beyerele was a fixture of the muscle rags of the time and sold flex reels through David Carter and film associates.
Joey poses for the centerfold spread shot by Dave Barry for DB Associates in the 60s.