196’1″ 155 lbs Brown Hazel Eyes 91% INCHES
Frank… Frankie to his friends. and he had lots of them… lots and lots of them. was by his own definition a lover not a fighter. And what a lover. He was what he liked best and what he did best. Frankie found something in every- one he could relate to. He related to as many guys as he possibly could! Just the mention of his name brings two images quickly to mind. That breath- takingly handsome face and that cock. That perfectly formed cock thick and constantly rigid with a huge mushroom head over nine inches long! That cock that has found its way into as many guys’ mouths and asses as it has guys’ dreams! Frankie, unlike many guys who do sex videos, loved to play out his own adventures instead of his fantasies. The scenes from HOT JEANS and TUBTRICKS were sexual experiences he got to relive with the whole world watching. The scene in HOT JEANS where he wakes up getting a blow-job was based on his actual experience! Frank could take on several guys at once but he was best at one-on-one. He still gets letters from all the guys he’s made it with! Frank Evans. a real lover.. a real shooting star!