Jack LaLanne was featured regularly in the magazine Your Physique from the time he won Mr. USA in 1948 through their 1962 annual, usually photographed by Russ Warner.
The above two photos tell better than a thousand words the sensational rise from weakness to world fame, the story of Jack LaLanne.
T HE name Jack Lalanne is by no means a new one to the Physical Culture World. Jack is known every- where as a physical instructor, handbalancer, bodybuilder, and all round athlete.
Once you meet this dynamic personality you will never forget him. He is a virtual powerhouse of energy, endurance and enthusiasm.
Jack has made a name for himself which is respected throughout the world. Wherever there are bodybuilders you are sure to find men who know and look up to the famous LaLanne.
He is the owner and operator of the outstanding LaLanne Physical Culture Studio, which is located in Oakland, California. This was the first studio of its kind in the bay area and continues to stand as a landmark in the field of physical culture.
Jack was born September 26th, 1916 in San Francisco, California. As a youngster he was thin and sickly and frequently had to miss school because of his run-down condition. His parents were greatly worried and moved to Bakersfield and then to Berkeley, California, where they thought the climate might help to improve his health. But it seemed as though Jack was destined to grow up into one of those thin, scrawny people who was always afflicted with one kind of sickness or another.
Jack Lalanne as he is today. Jack will be present at the coming “Mr. North America” contest, to be held shortly in New York City. He will present his posing and muscle control routine, plus his world famous pedestal act. Don’t miss him!
The above two photos tell better than a thousand words the sensational rise from weakness to world fame, the story of Jack However, when Jack was attending the Berkeley Junior High School he met a friend who owned a set of barbells and who was quite a bug on bodybuilding, Jack joined him in his home workouts and found something very satisfying about lifting weights. Within two weeks he noticed a difference in himself and realized that he was at last on the right track to health and strength. His interest in the subject of health became greater and greater and he began reading various magazines and books on the subject and began taking more care of his eating, sleeping and general health habits.
Then one day he went to a lecture delivered by the famous health authority, Paul Bragg. He was so much impressed by what he heard that he immediately started on a rigorous vegetarian diet with no sweets and no eating between meals. He kept to this system for seven years during which time he was building himself up into one of the world’s finest built men.
Jack made progress slowly but every pound of muscle he put on stayed with him and in every sense of the word became useful well-coordinated muscle. Only his great determination kept him to his impossible goal and he progressed steadily onwards. He realized early that diet was an individual matter and began studying his own needs. It was then that he introduced meats and other protein foods and began reducing certain carbohydrates. He also paid particular attention to the manner in which his foods were prepared in order to maintain all the vital minerals and vitamins.
The result of all this effort began to show itself not only Continued on Page 44)
Jack LaLanne and my dad Robert Blair Kurtz Sr. went to Berkeley High School together in the early 1930s. They played on the same football team and I got to meet Jack on several occasions, some before he gained world wide fame