Juan Montana poses for Malibu Models and Pat Milo in Manual in October 1964.

Ever since the new studio which bears the intriguing name Malibu Models was established, we have been getting most unusual pictures of even more unusual young phy siques. The pictures are unusual be- cause of the photographic technique and clear lighting. Apparently Mal- ibu Models have elected to follow in the path of Milo, that sterling California lensman who has de lighted our readers for years. Older readers will recall that it was Milo who first saw the muscular poten- tial of Larry Scott… photographed him.. encouraged him… and fi- nally saw him capture all three of the world’s greatest physique titles: Mr. America… Mr. Universe…. and Mr. Olympia as awarded by the International Federation of Body- builders. We believe Malibu Models, as heir apparent, have produced some winners as well. One of them is the strikingly handsome Juan Montana, whose symmetrical phy sique and radiant personality are cause for general rejoicing.