Room Service with Paul Culley and Johnny Menendez, Kris Studios 1964.

A few selected stills from the movie…

And the usual promotional article

Cinematography, the science of motion picture making, is a re- cent development of study. It is natural that the male physique, so aesthetically pleasing and rewarding in still photos, should find itself completely at home. in this moving medium as well, causing thereby a whole new field of physique appreciation to open up.
One of the most recent and delightful physique motion pic- ture releases is Kris Studio’s production of ROOM SERVICE, star- ring Johnny Menendez as the bellboy who is invited to pose for amateur physique photos by hotel guest Paul Cully.

movie with cully & menendes
room service
(see order blank for prices)
“ROOM SERVICE” with the very hirsute PAUL CULLY and the very latin JOHN MENENDEZ is a physique movie dealing with the bored salesman from out-of- town (Paul) and the entertainment provided when he hires bellhop Johnny to pose for some amateur physique photos. Also available is a set of stills from the movie ROOM SERVICE entitled SERIES K-86 (12 photos)