Johnny Rotolante wrestles Jim Dardanis for Western Photography Guild in the late 50s.
One Thought to “Johnny Rotolante and Jim Dardanis”
Enjoying your posts, especially today’s. The first pic – I have this one as Johnny
Rotolante and George Hughes. There are a couple more of the two in the mid-portion of the posts, the ones on the ground. The other couples on the ground do not look like Dardanis, Rotolante or Hughes but I have not been able to identify. I may be wrong about any of this, I have been before but passing along in case it helps.
Enjoying your posts, especially today’s. The first pic – I have this one as Johnny
Rotolante and George Hughes. There are a couple more of the two in the mid-portion of the posts, the ones on the ground. The other couples on the ground do not look like Dardanis, Rotolante or Hughes but I have not been able to identify. I may be wrong about any of this, I have been before but passing along in case it helps.