70s Porn icon Jack Wrangler best known today as the subject of the documentary “Who is Jack Wrangler” and “Wrangler: Anatomy of an Icon” interviewed
and described by his contemporaries.

JACK WRANGLER 24 5′ 10″ 165 lbs Blond Hair Blue Eyes 9 INCHES

Jack broke into adult films in a most unusual way… after he was already an established young actor in mainstream films. Not only that but he did it at an age when most other actors in the field were giving it up…or it was giving them up! This did not deter Jack for an instant!

He chose his first exposure with great care, turning to the studio that would eventually become the world-famous NOVA. After a trial run with a few still photos were done and run in such maga- zines as MANDATE and IN TOUCH, Jack was off and run- ning.

In the next few years he made countless short films, the most popular of which are still in great demand. The very best of these were a series of short films tied together by a common theme.

We are presenting a few of them here including the now famous YOUNG CADETS and SEA CADETS along with Jack’s personal favorite, HOW THE WEST WAS FUN.

It seems Jack has a real thing for hunky young guys in tight-fitting jeans. In fact he took his name, Wrangler, from just such a pair of tight jeans! The whole story of Jack’s very interesting life… growing up as a Hollywood kid among world-famous parents is available in his witty auto- biography WHAT IS A NICE GUY LIKE YOU DOINGI Seek it out! Lately Jack has confined his appearances to the stages off- Broadway but his earlier film work will be around as long as there is a VCR to shove a tape intol Jack will be forever a shooting star!

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