Performing my Demon Dick Hypnosis live for a Satanist before giving him my Seed in San Fransisco on July 15th, 2024.
Then check out the gallery such as it is. All photos and videos taken by Jack Drago.

Vintage gay porn, Jack Drago, and Bob's Guys
Performing my Demon Dick Hypnosis live for a Satanist before giving him my Seed in San Fransisco on July 15th, 2024.
Then check out the gallery such as it is. All photos and videos taken by Jack Drago.
Hail Master, i long for the time we meet and You can personally make me Your Satanic servant, slave. 🖤
I’ll have great fun hypnotizing you.
I long for the day to be taken by you to the gates of hell Master.
Ok First and formost, my appoliges for the extensive text. Honestley this was supposed to a symple request tp find out if you do personal satanic hypnotic videos?Unfortuently once i start writing they tend to take on a life of their own. So once again my appologies.
Master, would it be possible to get a personal satanic no limit, pnp, slam, conversion, breaking my will to resist resulting in my total devotion, servitude, willing to fully without question Obey any Master i have (human). Yet yeilding to Satans overall dominence. Break me to such a point, that if I were married, id turn my loved one over to him. Giving Satan everthing, tabooish, physicaly emotionaly to him, making me an object for him or anyone he wants to use, humilation, if he sent a person with an STD draining from some guys cock and said make Satan happy service him, and enjoy infecting yourself, using a sounding rod down his cock then shoving it down yours only after squeezing more drainage from his dick and scooping it up and shoving it on and down my piss slit followd by inserting the gono and who knows what else STD thats on the sounding rod down my piss slit that Satan owns. Same goes for HIV (currently neg) if master or Satan said accept poz seed with out question, object would simply obay. And willingly engage with and set up they wanted. Also even to the point that if i had a partner or hubby and we went out to dinner or for drinks, and Satan or a Master Satan said to obey, happend to cross paths at the bar or resteraunt that my partner/hubby went too. If Master texted saying go the the restroom now. Id get up and go to the restroom and service them in anyway for as long as they wanted. And once finished would not be aloud to freashen up. If Master had any toxic or STD infected condoms and said here put this fill used condom on after you shove that sounding rod into the toxic filled condom and ensure you rub and cover every inch of that rod with STD cum, take it out of the condom, hand the rod to Master. He takes it grabs my pathetic useless infint like cock, smiles and laughs, and says I keep forgetting that you even have cock this thing is so small and useless, fuck my neibors 5 year old has a bigger cock then this baby boner, as he forces the sounding rod in my piss slit and then all the way down till just about the entire rod disapeared down the shaft then watched as it slid out and repeated this process about thirty times till just about to cum. Then stopped as a red sheen showed on the rod. Happy with himself. He said put the used toxic condom on and wear it for the rest of the night, and when your sitting down to eat, unzip your zipper and start stroking that used condom filled with Satans cum thats covering that pathetic thing you call a cock. Massage all that demon seed into that dick. Oh even thougj your dick is useless. You will get hard while you are stroking it under the table while at first looking your partner or who ever he is, fagot is going to pop into my mouth rght in front of him, 2 blue 75000 strength Rhino dick pills. While doing that you will look directly into their eyes for a second or two just long enough to say under your breath, you fucking faggot, manipulated me for 23 years, made me pay everytime we ate or drank out, while saving all yours. yea fuck you faggot no more of my dick or hole, 4 years no sex, made me happy, (as your eyes see past his head and look directly into Satan eyes with eagerness to please your new Mastet) cause you give yourself to Satan and gratfully take his seed any and everywhere he gives it to this fag, doesnt matter time or place and right now, you dick, you dont exist as you are looking through and past him. Looking directly into Satans eyes and just as you are about to cum. You hear Satan whisper in your ear. Stop my faggot slave, that is my cum, you will not pleasur yourself while in thats company. Just then your just about to cum. You actuly feel a hand grab your wrist and pull your hand off your dick.
While this last action was occuring, your companion feels you are stairing through him to somone just behind him. So he turns his head to see. Only to see nothing but an empty bar chair whoes seat is spinning just as of someone or thing just left. As his head return to you, he is just about to ask who are you looking at. Yet stops cause your face was starting to turn red as your earge to bust your 8 month held back non interested or stimulated to masterbate anywhere his presence, just seeing him and being around him makes your dick shrink even more, your pathedic was still limp but hard enough just from a few moments stroking Satans cum on your dick was enough to send you over. Fagot was just seconds away and then his head turned around and you once again looked at him. Then gone limp all the excitement in my dick just ripped away, just as if a hand reached out and grabbed my wrist and said not today cloud boy.
As i came to, still looking through him, this fag said ti me, hey you ok, your face its all red like your about to pop a cork. Shaking my head clear, ah um im good, guess my sugar levels tanked for a second, i better go to the restroom and pour water on my face. No he said, no stay sit here and eat or drink what ever we where supposed to do, ill go get you a few wash cloths from the restroom. Not thinking i just say yes. Not realizing, that as partner was originaly looking behind him, and say only a spining bar stool, out of the corner of his eye he saw a glimps of a shadow enter the mens room just as the door closed.
Taking advantage to fugure out who it was, he used the excuse that hed get me a few wash cloths. As he turned to go to the restroom, my stress levels just drop and i hear myself go ahhhh. As my cock shrinks Masters cummy condom falls off, i just manage to grab it. As i adjust to sit up. I hit the table and see his water sitting rught next to me. A thought races through my mind and before i finish thinking. The deed is done Masters condom took a rapid bath is ice water stired to the count of ten and then in a swift move out the glass it came and dripping wet into my front pocket, now making it look if i stand up now, that i either shot a massive cum load in my shorts or i just took a 5 min piss in my shorts. No matter it was done.
Just then I noticed my companion had been gone to the rest room for a good hot minute, say 15 min, not that id seem to care. I wondered though and figured id know when he came back. So i ate a bit drank two bottles of water and a beer and still no sight. I call over and get the bill, ya cause i always pay… i pay up, walk to the rest room walk in looking about, the place looked a bit more roughed up, quickly looking in the stall, a used rubber with a torn tip lay there, a childish grin came upon my face, as i turned washed my hands. I left Masters dried cum shots alone on my face and of course left the visable strands of dried cum strings and personaly cum styled hair designs alone.
As i left the restroom i headed for the door, one of the weightstaff hurried up and said your change. While he was talking i saw Master through the window chatting with someone and wanting to see. I simple said keep the change, and headed to the door. As i step out, in the distance i heard a voice saying but Ser its a 100 tip. As i step out the door, i say keep it, its your you deserve it. My mind now fixed I see a shadow trun the corner, and the person who was talking to the shadow turns and jumps saying i scared him, i quickly appologized to the stranger. Yea not my man, no hes over in his car typing away. As i open the door, its locked, my partner jumps in his seat, his phone falls frim his hand. It lands face up his unsent text showing all. Any easy bust for anyone, other then yours trully as im blind as a bat even with glasses. As he struggles to secure his message. I tap the window saying open up its locked, i hear ok, one sec. As he submits the text the door unlocks and i slide into the wonderful arroma of nasty sex. Taking a rapid once over of him, nothing seems undone, then i realize just as i was about to say somthing it dawns on my that, that nasty sex smell, it was me. Lets say it was a quite ride home. Seeing the annoyed grimes on his face, my thoughts turn to the verbals that as soon as we park I was sure to hear. Yet as we park at home. He get out of the car. As he did, i know not why i turned my head as i did I cought a glimps of his backside and was like. Is his shorts wet? Was hard to tell as his shorts had a few dark patterns. He shut the car door before i said anything, and mafe straight for the door. Still in the car Im like just feel the seat and if its wet well then we will see. Tempted, im like no, just go in. Shutting the car door. I open a bottle of water i take a sip walk around the car heading to the front door. Saying to myself its all good, i go to take my next step. My foot never made it to the ground before i turn to run in the gayest move ever towards his car door to check.
I see my hypnosis provoked some epic fantasies on your part. You really should write porn. For commissions try @JohnDurst19 on X or @VastHypno@bsky.sicial
Would love to submit to you and Satan make me a slam whore for all loads