Remembering J Brian and Leo Ford

In the very early 1970’s when J Brian and I ran ads in the Barb or Los Angeles Free Press (Freep) for nude male models. 

The best responses came from the guys living with him or nearby in San Francisco.  The best of these was Leo Ford, who was hustling in SF at the time.

Brian was running a house for the local prostitutes  in downtown SF and he was always busy with his studio work, or his house of whores.

Brian and I shared an interest in comic book art and we crossed paths at related shows and conventions, bonding over artists like John Byrne (below) and eventually going on to found the California comics and Fantasy club which started the Baycon convention.

I knew who J. Brian was as I had ‘Rented’ a boy (Steve Boyd pictured below in my rose garden) or two from him.

Later my brother Mike became one of Brian’s boys and the two of them vacationed in Hawaii one summer, at my suggestion.

Leo Ford was the top of the line in Brian’s house of whores and he even joined the club of comic book freaks Brian and I had started called California Comics and Fantasy club.

Leo had no interest in comics. but it was a way to meet other guys and to stay close to Brian with whom he was living at the time

I found Leo to be the most beautiful guy I had ever met. Add to this his knowing everything about what was going on in our world, and his friendly chatter and I wanted to marry him ASAP but the line to Leo’s butt was long and costly.

Despite his huge cock, Leo was a consummate bottom in real life and was highly sought after for his versatility; working with William Higgins and many others.

Leo ford fucked bareback by Rick Donovan in Sailor in the Wild.

For whatever reason Leo loved to chatter with me and often used me as a shield in dealing Brian’s increased drinking. Leo was such a fun guy, we played cards, dominos, checkers, and chess to deal with the increasing stress as my dear friend J. Brian spiraled down.

In fact Leo and I would often make little bets about how drunk Brian would be. If Leo won he got a $5 and if I won I got to put my finger in his belly button or perhaps a kiss. but I am not much of a kisser so my finger in Leo’s belly button was the winner.

If we wanted to increase the stakes Leo would take his clothes off and one time Leo started with all his clothes off and we played my getting to stroke his spoke (dick).

Then one time Leo and I were  coming home from a movie and we found Brian passed out on his couch and we could not revive  him.  The paramedics rushed him to the hospital, but they could not revive him either. 

Leo and I cried together for the next hour and then I went home to Berkeley. You can read the tribute issue of his magazine here.

I never saw Leo again, but a year or two later I cried alone when I found out about Leo’s fatal motorcycle accident in 1991. You can find an online memorial to him here.

3 Thoughts to “Remembering J Brian and Leo Ford”

  1. Wonderful tribute and history.
    Thanks for all the info and wonderful photos!
    Lots of photos I’ve never seen before.
    So cute and hot!

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