Keith Haring: A Man and his art

American artist Keith Haring (May 4, 1958 – February 16, 1990) was integral to the 1980s art scene.

Studying at the Pittsburgh Center for the arts in the late 70s, Haring developed his trademark primitivist style working in bold colors and often building his work on a single continuous line.

Haring’s art boldly explores themes of religion, the human body, and homosexuality.

Though Haring was primarily a muralist, much of his later work after meeting Andy Warhol featured bodypainting, especially of scene famous people like Grace Jones (Above, photo by Robert Mapplethorpe) and Bill T Jones below.

Keith Haring became prominent in the New York art scene, working with Andy Warhol, Robert Mapplethorpe, Don Herron, and fellow graffiti artist Jean-Michel Basquiat.

How many folks do you know with nudes credited to Andy Warhol (above) and Robert Mapplethorpe (below)?

Haring and his partner Juan Dubose were active in the New York club scene appearing at Studio 54 and the Palladium in the early 80s, hanging out with Warhol’s factory players.

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