Tige McMasters

“Brenton Barber” was an infamous rentboy who hustled back and forth between San Fransisco and New York in the late 1970s and early 80s. He modeled under the name of Tige McMasters.
Brenton claimed he’d been deliberately innoculated with HIV while incarcerated in New York along with many other hustlers of the time. This was later proven untrue as our commenters caught him alive.
Bob Kurtz photographed him in his prime in the early 1980s.

6 Thoughts to “Tige McMasters”

      1. Your confused. The reply is referring to the gay film maker Nova not our Nova (Call me when you have some time so we can coordinate your April visit, There are other corrections to make.)

  1. Jack hi, Tige Mc Masters worked for Nova in the films Four in Hand and Locker Room Fever, this guy was also known as Eric Scott Myrick, Google the names. Still alive to this day.

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