ANDRE DRAPP (at left), after be- coming one of France's most celebra- ted bodybuilders, entered professional wrestling. He has met with outstanding success, too. Photo by ARAX.
HENRI BARJAC (below), star adagio dancer in the internation- ally-famous "Folies Bergere" of Paris, is a bodybuilding enthusiast. Keeping fit is a "must" in his work. Photo by ROYALE.](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/z051h006.jpg)
Hadio Rel](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/andredrapp2.jpg)
![Wrestler Andre Drapp featured in Tomorrow's Man in 1953 in this series photographed by Arax.](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/andredrapp3.jpg)
![France's Plus Bel Athlète ANDRÉ DRAPP See report on page 802. Photo: Arax](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/drappbb01.jpg)
![The v
BRANCH Contest
T HE first Mr. France contest since the beginning of the war took place recently in Paris. It was or ganized under the direction of the Gen- eral Congress of the French Federation of Physical Culture. Photos of the win- ners are reproduced here through the courtesy of our Paris Correspondent, Mr. K. D. Arax. From the pictures it can be seen that in spite of the terrible hardships of the war and the difficulties of the post war era, somehow the body- builders have managed to strive on, and in the face of innumerable odds, have still been able to build magnificent physiques. France has been producing beautifully built men for many years, after a war which ravaged their coun- try, reduced their food consumption to a minimum and flooded the country with problems of great magnitude is certainly amazing. It speaks well for Paris late in September their courage and determination in the face of tremendous odds.
but to be able to do so immediately is here shown in a classical pose holding the lance of bye-gone battle days. Photo by Arax named almost everywhere. Further elim- inations were held in June and July
Preliminary contests were held in va rious parts of France starting early in 1947. District and city champions were
Andre Drapp, the new "Mr. France", who won titles because of their fine phy siques.
The sixteen district winners, all of them magnificently built, qualified to take part in the national meet. Needless to say, the judges had a very difficult time as each of these men had already
The contestants were presented to the audience en masse by Mr. Pierre Bardel, organizer of the meet. This gave the and the final contest was conducted in audience a chance to see the group as a whole and to make whatever compari sons they chose from what they saw. After this the participants retired and were presented one at a time. Each man stood naturally on his first appearance, struck a pose of his own choosing on the second appearance, and walked and turned on his third for judging of his general deportment. Points for each ap- pearance were totalled and the winners selected on the basis of the most points. The results were very close but the au- dience agreed with the judges on the first place winner. This was Andre Drapp who is shown here in a classical pose holding an old lance of bye-gone battle days. The judging was unanimous in his case and well-supported by the enthusiastic audience.
Second place went to Guy Broquerie shown to the left in the group photo, and third went to Henri Moolenaar who is at the right in the photo. Here the judges' marks were very close and there was considerable disagreement among the spectators. In fact, there seemed to be just as much enthusiasm for Jean Druart who placed fourth and Jacques Coutoula who came fifth, as there was
for the second and third place winners. Two other men whose bodies won universal applause were Rene Boudie and Pierre Albert. All of the men were (Continued on page 37)
Left to right. Guy Broquerie, took second place, Andre Drapp, winner, and Henri Moolenaar, 3rd. Despite the ravages of war, France is still producing bodybuilders of first class caliber.
Page 28
Photo by Arax.
THIS photo of Andre Drapp helped to bring him international fame as a physique star. In it. Andre shows a perfect balance of size, shape and muscularity. Andre is a popu- lar wrestler today, touring all over the world. Photo by ARAX.](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/z013i038.jpg)
![Former French Resistance fighter ANDRE DRAPP
Photo: Arax](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/z040a047.jpg)
![Silhouetted Symmetry
that you would almost believe your conscience is talking to you.
Here we present five silhouetted models... bodybuilders all. These men are noted for the amazing symmetry of their physiques, and this silhouette test is an acid test for them. Could you face up to it?
(Continued on page 53)
by Arax
France's handsomest athlete in shadow relief](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/z040c021.jpg)
When powerful Andre Drapp. Mr. Europe in vaded Americe as a pro- Jessional wrestler, sports commentators could hard- ly believe the power and ced his muscles pu ressed. Today he is a ble wrestling draw, thanks to his correctis trained, weight built body. Aras
Since the Weider System firal advocated "cheating exercises, despite the sensational resulta it gave to bodybuilders who wers stuck, as so often proved by photographs and testimonial letters in our publica tions, there have been some bodsbuilders and Instructors who still
Insired that "riet" is verformance was best for all. They have prented many slogesh as "Train. Don't Strain", "Train for shape and strength will come later", and won. While the percentage of "striet" exercise advocates represented only a very small percentage af all those interested in bodybuilding, we still
feel that their opinions should be made pulle Therefore, with our policy of having an open mind to all controversial auheta, we wrote to these men, esthered their ideas and prepared the following article which they have read and approved as stating their use clearly. They agree that it is a fair prestation of their argument in favor of stelet style
We do not agree with then completely, and while we have hem glad to open our pages so that their opinions own be learned, we present our side of the discussion in this lasus, In the article "Secrets Of The Champlons", in which 2 Weider replies to all those who hold the opision that cheating exercises are not best for the advanced body- builder. We west that the render study both of these articles and then decide for himself which is the more logical and selentifle method.
Dick Torio, famous bodybuilder and star all around athlete says. "If you don't cheat in your exercises you will never reach the top. For both sides of this controversial subject, read this article, and "Secrets of the Champions", in this issue. Lon
1. The "ric" method of prewing. The body is kepe solutely spright and the weight is pre- backed body moves ment. The deltoids some in for grest dest of work for the trip are hardly affected.
The "ri wyle of pressing. As the wright is phed over head, the heck is bes the clercier to handle more weight. This meth ed closely approaches the modern Olympic Pyle, while the triceps get more work.
3. The "Chesting style. The lifterende forward and thee luck, quickly, at the me time preing the weight и muscle involved a thor oughly worked. This style ly resembles Press
4. The style of aquatting. The exerciser keeps the trunk rigidly upright and says is the before evering to ap right stase. There is a distinct pause while down in "bottom" poal tion and each rep is per In here. There is colerable strain on koen was any havy weight is handled
a. The "iemi stor right and the weight trainer des where evel are the ground. The mcles of the lack are es The thighs are worked a lot but pound stricted and ordina NOT enraged.
The housing dep knee bendung Squar. The bodybuilder drope quickly under the weight rebounds Up forward and uses the muscles of the back in The heavier wrigh is increased and heart and lungs function more efficiently.
![ANDRE DRAPP by ARAX "Beauty is the only thing that time cannot harm" OSCAR WILDE](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/z0712025.jpg)
![FRENCH champion, Andre Drapp, is a talented acrobat and top line professional wrestler. A colourful personality. Andre fought with the French Resistance move- ment in World War II.
Another famous "Andre" Andre Contoula. noted for his clean lined mus- cular symmetry.
Photos by Arax](https://www.collectorsrealm3.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/z0836021.jpg)
THIS photo of Andre Drapp helped to bring him international fame as a physique star. In it. Andre shows a perfect balance of size, shape and muscularity. Andre is a popu- lar wrestler today, touring all over the world. Photo by ARAX.
Vintage gay porn, Jack Drago, and Bob's Guys
THIS photo of Andre Drapp helped to bring him international fame as a physique star. In it. Andre shows a perfect balance of size, shape and muscularity. Andre is a popu- lar wrestler today, touring all over the world. Photo by ARAX.
Awesome guy, Thank you for sharing. If you know How to get more videos of Andre that is not on Youtube already, let me know Renonvcwby@yahoo.com