Labyrinth Meditation

Walking the labyrinth is a spiritual discipline shared by a number of religions. This one at Saratoga Springs Resort outside of Ukiah, CA is oriented to the four cardinal directions with its center marked with a crystal.

As you embark on the spiritual journey of the labyrinth, you let your focus recede to just the inside of the space delineated by the stones.

As I chant “Jaden tasa ho’et naca Leviatian” in my mind I let my whole attention become absorbed in the process of putting one foot in front of another while reciting the words in my mind.

They say that labyrinths were invented as a way of trapping demons, that that the repetition of the pattern is comforting and mesmerizing to their minds. I will say that this certainly works on my demon.

Round and round the demon spins, freedom from your mind to win through the labyrinths discipline

In the center you will win, just keen on walking the labyrinth.

And, of course, the obligatory squat/victory shot

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