Jack Wrangler Naked outdoors

Jack Wrangler gets naked outside for Ciao magazine in 1977

Photo Feature Of the Month
Jack Wrangler
Superstar Jack Wrangler is the talk of the Gay Town-what with his fabulous appearances in the February 1977 QQ Magazine and March 1977 BODY and starring role in the new Joe Gage Film, “Kansas City Trucking Co.” The movie tells about a straight trucker who, while driving cross country to Los Angeles has “a series of encounters that raise his consciousness.” It might be showing at your friendly adult theatre right now-so rush downtown and check it out. Jack, now 24, began perform-
ing when he was 10, starring in one television series after an- other. He studied acting at Northwestern University and later went on to write, produce, direct and compose music for several revues which were done by Hilton Hotel Shows out of Chicago. There he also hosted “The Jack Stiliman Show.” As an actor he later starred with Hermoine Gingold in “Dear Charles” in New York City and Chicago. These credits are but a few of Jack Wrangler’s impressive accomplishments-perhaps his most memorable being his starring role as Dennis in “Special Friends” in 1975.
We welcome Jack Wrangler to our pages-and invite you to write him personally. His advertisement appears elsewhere in this magazine.

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