Young Tony Danza
Young Tony Danza was a boxer before landing his famous role on Taxi, Like most boxers he was famously proud of his body and we’ve found some nudes.
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Sexy pictures of celebrities and athletes.
Young Tony Danza was a boxer before landing his famous role on Taxi, Like most boxers he was famously proud of his body and we’ve found some nudes.
Boxer Hector Macho Camacho boxed from 1980-2003, but was most popular in the early 90s.
Jack showed you his collection of Mark Wahlberg, so I’ll show you mine.
Model Tony Ward was Madonna’s boyfriend in the early 90s and appeared in the SEX book and several music videos.
90s VJ Simon Rex lost his job when his porn career in Brad Posey’s “Young, Hard and Solo” was exposed, but then came back as the rapper Dirt Nasty in the early 2010s.
Champion model Spiro shows off half out of his marching band uniform.
Bodybuilder and actor Steve Reeves played Hercules in the movies in the 1950s, but had been a mainstay of the physique magazines throughout the 40s.
Nothing like a little fisticuffs to get the blood pumping, see how various photographers in the vintage era objectified boxers throughout the 40s and 50s.