Young Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan: Lifeguard to movie star and life model
Vintage gay porn, Jack Drago, and Bob's Guys
40s male physique and posing strap images
Strength and Health September and October 1948 featuring Pepper Gomez, Steve Reeves.
Strength and Health was one of the first and longest running physique magazines; here’s a selection of their work from the 1940s. These issues feature Lon of NY, and some of the earliest AMG.
Yul Brynner nudes? Who would have thought a struggling actor would need cash?
1930s-40s iron man and sometime Tarzan actor Bert Goodrich featured in Strength and Health.
Wrestler Andre Drapp featured in Tomorrow’s Man in 1953 in this series photographed by Arax.
Andrew Kozak photographed by Dave Martin in the late 1940s