Bert Elliot Wrestling
Bert Elliot wrestling with de Hoyas in the mid 1950s.
Vintage gay porn, Jack Drago, and Bob's Guys
Posing Strap physique photography of the 1950s
Vic Siepke black and white posing strap collection featuring photos from Spectrum, Bob Delmonteque Douglas of Detroit and more.
Bill Brinkley wrestles with Pepper Gomez in this 1950s sequence taken by Bruce of LA.
“WAYNE HUNT has a tremendous upper body without being pendulous like some musclemen. Well knit, I’d say. Yet, I think…
Bert Elliot featured in Strength and Health in 1954 and 56, photographer unknown.
Ben Montgomery, photos by Bruce of LA for Kensington Road, early 1950s.
Salt Lake City bodybuilder Walt Needham appears in The Male Figure photographed by Bruce of LA.
Joe Wing and Jerry Ross wrestling in the mid 1950s. Photographed by Bob Mizner for AMG.