Bruce Mars
Actor and bodybuilder Bruce Mars, best known as Finnigan on Star Trek Posed extensively for Bob Mizer of Atheletic Model Group in the early 60s.
Vintage gay porn, Jack Drago, and Bob's Guys
Actor and bodybuilder Bruce Mars, best known as Finnigan on Star Trek Posed extensively for Bob Mizer of Atheletic Model Group in the early 60s.
Bud Counts poses on a black backdrop for Bob Mizer of Athletic Model Guild.
Brian Diaz photographed by Bob Mizer for Athletic Model Guild in the 1960s.
Bob Rome photographed by Bob Mizer for Athletic Model Guild in the 1950s.
J.D. Greg and Joe Iannini photographed as cellmates by Bob Mizer for AMG in the late 1960s.
Joe Ianini photographed in and out of handcuffs by Bob Mizer for AMG in the 1950s.
Gary Steele photographed with Bob Bryson by Bob Mizer for Athletic Model Guild in 1966.