Mike North
Mike North photos by Troy Saxon, Early 60s.
Vintage gay porn, Jack Drago, and Bob's Guys
Color photos of Troy Saxon published in The Young Physique and Body beautiful in the late 1950s.
Catalog of model/photographer Troy Saxon featuring Billy Moffit, Bob Foxx, Ronnie Rene, Troy Saxon, and Donnie Kaye, Ronnie Stewart, Bill Rice, and more.
Midwestern farm boy Tommy Pollack shows his body to Troy Saxon in the mid 1960s
Troy Saxon poses nude for photographer Stewart Rosenberg, who published under the name “Troy Saxon”
A write up about model Troy Saxon being used as an alias for photographer Stewart Rosenburg.
Bill Rice photographed by Troy Saxon for MARS magazine in the late 1950s.
Best known as a physique photographer, Troy Saxon was also a bodybuilder and model.